Welcome to the Casper Community

We are dedicated to creating long-term solutions to real-world challenges through our powerful, public smart contract platform. We believe in building a serious, future-oriented community that fosters positivity, active engagement, and respect.

Casper Culture

Together we want to develop the Casper ecosystem and a great community within a culture of openness, inclusiveness, and positivity. We believe that you are awesome and reflect this ethos. Nonetheless, we want to share some of our values and guidelines.


We operate transparently and consistently share knowledge.  

As a community, Casper is inherently open, accessible, and transparent. We encourage you to freely express your thoughts and ideas on any topic related to Casper.


We operate transparently and consistently share knowledge.  

As a community, Casper is inherently open, accessible, and transparent. We encourage you to freely express your thoughts and ideas on any topic related to Casper.


We encourage innovation and embrace new ideas to drive progress within the ecosystem.

At Casper, we recognize the importance of staying ahead of the curve and continuously improving our processes and technologies. Our community serves as a hub for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, allowing us to explore innovative solutions that may have previously been overlooked. We encourage all members to contribute their unique perspectives and ideas to help shape the future of Casper and drive innovation forward.


We encourage innovation and embrace new ideas to drive progress within the ecosystem.

At Casper, we recognize the importance of staying ahead of the curve and continuously improving our processes and technologies. Our community serves as a hub for creativity and out-of-the-box thinking, allowing us to explore innovative solutions that may have previously been overlooked. We encourage all members to contribute their unique perspectives and ideas to help shape the future of Casper and drive innovation forward.


Ensure the accessibility of our technology, platform, and ecosystem by simplifying complex concepts.

As a global ecosystem, Casper accommodates members from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, we aim to maintain accessible communication in our discussions. However, we understand that certain concepts may require more in-depth exploration and are willing to delve into complexity when necessary.


Ensure the accessibility of our technology, platform, and ecosystem by simplifying complex concepts.

As a global ecosystem, Casper accommodates members from diverse backgrounds. Therefore, we aim to maintain accessible communication in our discussions. However, we understand that certain concepts may require more in-depth exploration and are willing to delve into complexity when necessary.

Grow together

We promote continuous learning, improvement, and productive failure to enhance the effectiveness of the ecosystem and community.

At Casper, we understand that our growth and success are not limited to developing innovative dApps and solutions but also involve personal development and mutual learning. With a diverse range of talented individuals in our community, we have endless opportunities to both learn from and teach one another. As a guiding principle, we encourage members to align their contributions with our values. If so, go ahead and share your thoughts!

Grow together

We promote continuous learning, improvement, and productive failure to enhance the effectiveness of the ecosystem and community.

At Casper, we understand that our growth and success are not limited to developing innovative dApps and solutions but also involve personal development and mutual learning. With a diverse range of talented individuals in our community, we have endless opportunities to both learn from and teach one another. As a guiding principle, we encourage members to align their contributions with our values. If so, go ahead and share your thoughts!

Join our Community

When within the Casper Community, you should:

Show tolerance towards differing viewpoints and respectfully express disagreement when opinions do not align.

  • Uphold the privacy and personal information of fellow contributors and respect their boundaries.

  • Communicate with courtesy and respect, even in cases of disagreement or debate.

  • Ensure the accuracy of information shared on the forum, and if uncertain, seek to verify it by cross-checking or to contact a member of the Casper team for support.

When within the Casper Community, you should not:

Show tolerance towards differing viewpoints and respectfully express disagreement when opinions do not align.

  • Make personal attacks on other community members.

  • Use inappropriate language or content.

  • Use defamatory remarks or make false statements against others.

  • Post prejudiced comments or profanity.

  • Post sexually explicit content.

  • Bully or make inflammatory remarks to other community members.

  • Post spam.

  • Impersonate any members or admins of the Casper (Developer) Community.

  • Advertise or promote irrelevant or inappropriate content within our community.

  • Promote pump groups or any other related activity.

  • Ask to borrow money or tokens.

  • Open or take part in any token price-related discussion.

  • Add or use bots in the community.

Failing to adhere to these rules may result in a permanent ban from the Casper Community without warning.

We want you to become a part of our community! Whether you're a developer, node operator, or just interested in Casper, join our community of builders and become part of the Casper fam.

What Should I Do if I'm Feeling Attacked or Uncomfortable?

report an issue

Technical Guidelines

Please refer to the following guidelines when creating or editing documents for Casper in order to maintain consistency. Casper documents use American English and the Merriam Webster Dictionary as the reference point for any spelling variations.

If you want to contribute to the Casper ecosystem, please find the Writing Style Guide used by Casper's documentation team


If you want to add new content or make structural updates to the documentation.