
CSPR.click solves onboarding for mass adoption of your Web3 application by making it simple and intuitive for users to comprehend, while making it utterly easy for developers to implement. CSPR.click allows developers to integrate with all wallets using just one single SDK instead of maintaining several integrations.

Why CSPR.Click?

CSPR.click allows developers to integrate with all wallets using just one single SDK instead of maintaining several integrations

CSPR.Click Case Study

Beast League

Beast League is a AAA mobile game. MAKE has Casper-enabled Beast League by integrating with CSPR.click, allowing users to easily create a Casper self-custodial Casper wallet directly tied to their Beast League account, purchase tokens, NFTs and other game utilities, while paying with fiat, Beast Coin (native game tokens) or CSPR.

CSPR.click allowed Beast League’s developers to focus their energy exclusively on building the most exciting game, while providing their players with a seamless and friction-free Web3 experience.


Get Started

Start building on Casper today using CSPR.click