Enterprise-grade middleware for Casper Network

CSPR.cloud is an enterprise-grade middleware platform aimed to elevate dApps integrations by doing most of the heavy work. It provides access to indexed and enriched blockchain data, real-time streaming subscriptions, and access to reliable and maintained Casper Node.

The APIs include:

  • Indexed and normalized network data
  • Integrations with the existing token standards, such as CEP-18, CEP-47, and CEP-78
  • Support of the existing smart contract-level event standards
  • Relevant off-chain data, such as CSPR rates
  • and more

CSPR.cloud expands the Casper Node RPC API with more data points and querying possibilities, which are not available via the native node API.

CSPR.cloud offers

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Start building on Casper today using CSPR.cloud