Experience Odra

Odra is a Rust-based smart contract framework for Casper Network. Odra encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, takes care of much of the hassle of smart contract development, enabling you to focus on writing your dapp without reinventing the wheel.It's free and open source!

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Experience Odra

Odra is a high-level smart contract framework for Rust, which encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, for developers, Odra streamlines your development workflow.

Focus on what matters

Odra comes out-of-the box with pre-built modules for the latest blockchain standard tokens, allowing you to concentrate on implementing your business logic.

A framework that works with you

Odra uses advanced macro technology to provide a concise, intuitive and rapid way to develop applications targeting the Casper blockchain. Odra also provides several backends to allow you to properly test your code before deploying it.

Fast, efficient development

Odra gives you the power to develop complex application logic faster, more efficiently and with less code. Less code means less bugs. See our comparison tutorial to see the benefits of developing with Odra. See the Installation to find out how to start your new project with Odra.

Odra Resources

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